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罗索客 发布于 2008-04-01 12:20 点击:次 
当我们在生活中或者工作中遇到突然出现的问题时,我们有两种解决方法可供选择:基本方法和高级的“三为什么”方法。 基本方法 对于基本的方法,我们每个人都非常熟练了,那就是一旦认识到问题的严重性,就双手抱头,大呼“为什么,为什么,为什么???”,或者大声喊








* 其中一件产品出现了不寻常的质量问题(客户指出的理由)
* 该客户向他的顾客的销售额降低,迫使他减少存货







The “why, why, why” Techniques for Solving Problems

When facing a problem that suddenly occurs in our life or work, we can choose between two techniques - the basic and the advanced “why, why, why” technique.

Basic Skills

We are all naturally skilled in the basic version, in which whenever we realize the size of a problem we grasp our head with both hands and cry out “why, why, why??” or any other cry that expresses our frustration.

This technique does not yield much practical benefit. In many cases it only worsens ours and our surroundings’ feelings of failure and helplessness. In the best scenario it will help us ventilate our frustration and avoid dragging it on for a longer period of time. In those instances, after giving vent to our frustration, there may come a time of peace of mind and with it reason will come back to guide our thoughts and help us find ways to deal with the problem or minimize its damages.

Advanced Techniques

At this stage, if we are sober enough, we should move on to the advanced version of the “why, why, why” technique. It is a variation on one of TQM’s techniques. It is designed to help us use problems as leverages for the improvement of our basic management infrastructure or skills. It is called “why, why, why” because it requires us to ask ‘why?’ at least three times.

Using this technique you can derive a lot of benefit from minor and unimportant problems as well as from major and frightening ones. To test it, choose one problem you recently ran into and act according to the following steps.

Ask yourself: “Why did this problem occur?” (That would be the first ‘why’.) Think and write down 1-3 possible reasons for the problem’s occurrence. For example, a manager whose strategic client surprisingly returned a large shipment of merchandise wrote down two reasonable explanations for the surprising turn of events:

* An unusual quality problem in one of the products (the reason mentioned by the client)
* A decline in the client’s sales to his costumers that forced him to reduce stocks

The next question should be: “Why did the things mentioned in the first answer occur?”(That would be the second ‘why’.)Write down 1-3 possible reasons for each of the answers to the previous question. The above mentioned manager sent his people to find out what caused the quality problem and identified its source in a flawed raw material that was used in part of the products. When he asked himself what might have caused the drop in his costumer’s sales, a possible explanation he came up with was the client’s non-reaction to his competitors’ aggressive sales campaigns.

Now is the time for the third ‘why’: “Why did the answers to the second ‘why’ occur?” Here too you should write down 1-3 reasonable explanations for each. The manager from our example found out that negligence in observing raw materials’ quality control regulations was the reason for the use of flawed material. In addition, as possible answers for the question why the client didn’t react to his competitors’ campaigns, he listed his client’s intention of maintaining a certain price and quality positioning, and his inability to lower his prices due to high costs.

Opportunity is everywhere

In your case, if you still haven’t reached answers that carry practical worth, keep on asking questions until you reach a practical conclusion that will show you the way to improvement. In the given example, the manager kept on asking questions about some of the third why’s answers, while being satisfied with others.

After he realized that the quality problem was caused by negligence in fulfilling quality control procedures he initiated a thorough organizational process that improved the fulfillment of these and other procedures in the company. At the same time, he reexamined, together with his clients’ representatives, the product-mix supplied to them, and designed a special product-mix that provided his customer with definite competitive advantages in his market. Since then, the new product-mix is being offered successfully to other clients as well.

By rigorously following the “why, why, why” technique our manager succeeded to use one crucial problem as an improvement tool. He has improved organizational processes, customer satisfaction, and product offerings.

This technique, when adequately used, will help you to demonstrate – through action and results - that the saying “within every problem lies an opportunity” is not merely a cliché.


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