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Defining Your Dreams

jackyhwei 发布于 2011-10-14 15:57 点击:次 
Whether you are looking to retire, buy a new home, start a business, or leave a legacy, a comprehensive plan along with knowledgeable guidance is an effective way to manage all areas of your financial life.

Advice and Planning

Whether you are looking to retire, buy a new home, start a business, or leave a legacy, a comprehensive plan along with knowledgeable guidance is an effective way to manage all areas of your financial life.Think of your personal financial plan as a blueprint that shows you how to build the blocks you need to reach your objectives. It outlines guidelines on saving, spending, and investing that will allow you to meet your short-term financial needs while you pursue long-term dreams.

It starts with a conversation between you and your Isakov Planning Group Financial Advisor about your life, current needs, and your goals for the future. The plan your Isakov Planning Group Financial Advisor designs takes into consideration factors such as your income, expenses, investments, and debt and advise you on how to manage your wealth to help meet you short- and long-term goals, while protecting your well-being, your family, and your lifestyle.

Your financial plan will identify strategies to help you:

Assess your current financial situation
In order to move forward, you have to know where you are first. You'll need a clear vision of your current finances and a clear picture of your future goals.

Take care of your family
From life and disability to long-term care, there are many way to help protect your family from potential risk and the unknown.

Accumulate and manage wealth
You'll need to priortize your goals. What are you looking to save and invest money for - retirement? A home? A child's education? Once your goals are well-defined and prioritized, your Financial Advisor will help you determine how much you will need in the future to meet your goals. Your Financial Advisor will also guide you on the best way to invest your money given your personal risk tolerance and time frame so that your investment strategy may have the capacity to support your financial goals. Here you will discuss market perspectives and outlooks from some of the firm's leading market and investment strategists as well hedging strategies to protect downside risks.

Manage your taxes
Regulations surrounding capital gains taxes, income taxes, estate taxes, and corporate taxes, can be very overwhelming to understand especially on how they effect your overall tax situation from your financial service products. Your Isakov Planning Group Financial Advisor will keep track of tax dividends, deductions, capital gains and so on, as well as coordinate with your tax advisor to help you understand the general tax treatment of your investments and strategies.

Plan for retirement
What do you dream of doing in retirement? Where do you plan on living? How do you see yourself spending your after-work years? Whether you have just started and retirement is a long way away, or you are nearing retirement, or you are already retired, planning should always be a critical component. For instance, if you already retired, you want to make sure that your income lasts your lifetime and that your position your assets in such a way to leave the legacy you want. Or, you may want to start saving money and don't know how much to save, where to save it, or how to invest it. Your Financial Advisor will guide you on the most appropriate investment plan and strategy to give you the clarity that you need.

Leave a legacy
From transferring your wealth along with your values to your family to funding a charity you are passionate about, it's important to discuss how you want your estate and your money distributed and take advantage of powerful estate strategies that will not only fulfill your desires and passions but also give you current benefits such as tax benefits as well.


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