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ClearCase Setup

罗索客 发布于 2006-10-30 11:09 点击:次 
ClearCase Setup How can ClearCase be set up to work in a multiple domain environment on Microsoft platforms? To set up ClearCase to work in a multiple domain environment, you need to satisfy several requirements. Configure two-way trusts between eac

ClearCase Setup

How can ClearCase be set up to work in a multiple domain environment on Microsoft platforms?

To set up ClearCase to work in a multiple domain environment, you need to satisfy several requirements.

  • Configure two-way trusts between each of the Microsoft Windows NT Domains.
  • Only use one registry server for all of the Microsoft Windows NT Domains.

You may be able to get around these restrictions, but to do so you will need to contact Rational Customer Service directly.

Assuming that you satisfy the above requirements, you should follow these steps:

  1. A ClearCase ALBD group (called "clearcase" by default) and user account (clearcase_albd) must be created in only one of the user account domains.

  2. The ClearCase ALBD service on all computers running ClearCase must be configured to log in as this user.

  3. Each ClearCase user must set the following Windows registry value using the windows utility ''regedit'':

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Atria\\ClearCase\\CurrentVersionDomain MappingEnabled (REG_DWORD): 1

    This can be done by executing a file, domain.reg, containing the following lines:


    \\[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Atria\\ClearCase\\CurrentVersionDomain\\] "MapingEnabled"="1"

  4. In the domain(s) that do not have the ALBD group/user created in step1 create a global group called "clearusers_domain" and make sure in the description field you put in: (exactly -- no spaces -- Case is important)

    This indicates to ClearCase that it should use this domain as a proxy.

  5. Users must log off and log back on after making these changes.

How do you set up the integration between ClearCase and Microsoft Visual Studio?

The integration between ClearCase and Microsoft Visual Studio uses a standard capability called SCC between Microsoft Visual Studio and configuration tool suppliers. In general, if you install ClearCase on your computer before installing Microsoft Visual Studio, then ClearCase will have installed the appropriate integration, and the integration between Microsoft Visual Studio and ClearCase should be enabled.

On the other hand, if ClearCase is installed after Microsoft Visual Studio is installed, it may be the case that another configuration tool supplier''s integration has been substituted. In that case, you may need to enable the integration for ClearCase manually. See the solution below for all of the details.

How do you handle binary files for performing UCM deliver and rebase operations?

Binary files should not be merged during deliver and rebase operations. To keep UCM from trying to merge them during deliver and rebase operations, follow these steps:

  • Binary files should be marked with a specific element type (For example, create one called NEVER_MERGE).
  • Set up the properties of this element type so that deliver and rebase will never consider files of this element type during a rebase or deliver operation.

Using this technique, deliver and rebase will create zero length files for these binary files in the integration view, and you will need to use base ClearCase commands to move these binary files into the integration view on deliver or into developer views on rebase. See the solution below for all of the details.

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