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The GNU Make Manual, for GNU make version 3.81.

罗索客 发布于 2007-11-22 11:36 点击:次 
This file documents the GNU make utility, which determines automatically which pieces of a large program need to be recompiled, and issues the commands to recompile them.


GNU make
This file documents the GNU make utility, which determines automatically which pieces of a large program need to be recompiled, and issues the commands to recompile them.

This is Edition 0.70, last updated 1 April 2006, of The GNU Make Manual, for GNU make version 3.81.

Copyright © 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover Texts being “A GNU Manual,” and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License.”
(a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: “You have freedom to copy and modify this GNU Manual, like GNU software. Copies published by the Free Software Foundation raise funds for GNU development.”

Overview: Overview of make.
Introduction: An introduction to make.
Makefiles: Makefiles tell make what to do.
Rules: Rules describe when a file must be remade.
Commands: Commands say how to remake a file.
Using Variables: You can use variables to avoid repetition.
Conditionals: Use or ignore parts of the makefile based on the values of variables.
Functions: Many powerful ways to manipulate text.
Invoking make: How to invoke make on the command line.
Implicit Rules: Use implicit rules to treat many files alike, based on their file names.
Archives: How make can update library archives.
Features: Features GNU make has over other makes.
Missing: What GNU make lacks from other makes.
Makefile Conventions: Conventions for writing makefiles for GNU programs.
Quick Reference: A quick reference for experienced users.
Error Messages: A list of common errors generated by make.
Complex Makefile: A real example of a straightforward, but nontrivial, makefile.
GNU Free Documentation License: License for copying this manual
Concept Index: Index of Concepts
Name Index: Index of Functions, Variables, & Directives
--- The Detailed Node Listing ---

Overview of make

Preparing: Preparing and Running Make
Reading: On Reading this Text
Bugs: Problems and Bugs
An Introduction to Makefiles

Rule Introduction: What a rule looks like.
Simple Makefile: A Simple Makefile
How Make Works: How make Processes This Makefile
Variables Simplify: Variables Make Makefiles Simpler
make Deduces: Letting make Deduce the Commands
Combine By Prerequisite: Another Style of Makefile
Cleanup: Rules for Cleaning the Directory
Writing Makefiles

Makefile Contents: What makefiles contain.
Makefile Names: How to name your makefile.
Include: How one makefile can use another makefile.
MAKEFILES Variable: The environment can specify extra makefiles.
MAKEFILE_LIST Variable: Discover which makefiles have been read.
Special Variables: Other special variables.
Remaking Makefiles: How makefiles get remade.
Overriding Makefiles: How to override part of one makefile with another makefile.
Reading Makefiles: How makefiles are parsed.
Secondary Expansion: How and when secondary expansion is performed.
Writing Rules

Rule Example: An example explained.
Rule Syntax: General syntax explained.
Prerequisite Types: There are two types of prerequisites.
Wildcards: Using wildcard characters such as `*'.
Directory Search: Searching other directories for source files.
Phony Targets: Using a target that is not a real file's name.
Force Targets: You can use a target without commands or prerequisites to mark other targets as phony.
Empty Targets: When only the date matters and the files are empty.
Special Targets: Targets with special built-in meanings.
Multiple Targets: When to make use of several targets in a rule.
Multiple Rules: How to use several rules with the same target.
Static Pattern: Static pattern rules apply to multiple targets and can vary the prerequisites according to the target name.
Double-Colon: How to use a special kind of rule to allow several independent rules for one target.
Automatic Prerequisites: How to automatically generate rules giving prerequisites from source files themselves.
Using Wildcard Characters in File Names

Wildcard Examples: Several examples
Wildcard Pitfall: Problems to avoid.
Wildcard Function: How to cause wildcard expansion where it does not normally take place.
Searching Directories for Prerequisites

General Search: Specifying a search path that applies to every prerequisite.
Selective Search: Specifying a search path for a specified class of names.
Search Algorithm: When and how search paths are applied.
Commands/Search: How to write shell commands that work together with search paths.
Implicit/Search: How search paths affect implicit rules.
Libraries/Search: Directory search for link libraries.
Static Pattern Rules

Static Usage: The syntax of static pattern rules.
Static versus Implicit: When are they better than implicit rules?
Writing the Commands in Rules

Command Syntax: Command syntax features and pitfalls.
Echoing: How to control when commands are echoed.
Execution: How commands are executed.
Parallel: How commands can be executed in parallel.
Errors: What happens after a command execution error.
Interrupts: What happens when a command is interrupted.
Recursion: Invoking make from makefiles.
Sequences: Defining canned sequences of commands.
Empty Commands: Defining useful, do-nothing commands.
Command Syntax

Splitting Lines: Breaking long command lines for readability.
Variables in Commands: Using make variables in commands.
Command Execution

Choosing the Shell: How make chooses the shell used to run commands.
Recursive Use of make

MAKE Variable: The special effects of using `$(MAKE)'.
Variables/Recursion: How to communicate variables to a sub-make.
Options/Recursion: How to communicate options to a sub-make.
-w Option: How the `-w' or `--print-directory' option helps debug use of recursive make commands.
How to Use Variables

Reference: How to use the value of a variable.
Flavors: Variables come in two flavors.
Advanced: Advanced features for referencing a variable.
values: All the ways variables get their values.
Setting: How to set a variable in the makefile.
Appending: How to append more text to the old value of a variable.
Override Directive: How to set a variable in the makefile even if the user has set it with a command argument.
Defining: An alternate way to set a variable to a verbatim string.
Environment: Variable values can come from the environment.
Target-specific: Variable values can be defined on a per-target basis.
Pattern-specific: Target-specific variable values can be applied to a group of targets that match a pattern.
Advanced Features for Reference to Variables

Substitution Refs: Referencing a variable with substitutions on the value.
Computed Names: Computing the name of the variable to refer to.
Conditional Parts of Makefiles

Conditional Example: Example of a conditional
Conditional Syntax: The syntax of conditionals.
Testing Flags: Conditionals that test flags.
Functions for Transforming Text

Syntax of Functions: How to write a function call.
Text Functions: General-purpose text manipulation functions.
File Name Functions: Functions for manipulating file names.
Conditional Functions: Functions that implement conditions.
Foreach Function: Repeat some text with controlled variation.
Call Function: Expand a user-defined function.
value Function: Return the un-expanded value of a variable.
Eval Function: Evaluate the arguments as makefile syntax.
Origin Function: Find where a variable got its value.
Flavor Function: Find out the flavor of a variable.
Shell Function: Substitute the output of a shell command.
Make Control Functions: Functions that control how make runs.
How to Run make

Makefile Arguments: How to specify which makefile to use.
Goals: How to use goal arguments to specify which parts of the makefile to use.
Instead of Execution: How to use mode flags to specify what kind of thing to do with the commands in the makefile other than simply execute them.
Avoiding Compilation: How to avoid recompiling certain files.
Overriding: How to override a variable to specify an alternate compiler and other things.
Testing: How to proceed past some errors, to test compilation.
Options Summary: Summary of Options
Using Implicit Rules

Using Implicit: How to use an existing implicit rule to get the commands for updating a file.
Catalogue of Rules: A list of built-in implicit rules.
Implicit Variables: How to change what predefined rules do.
Chained Rules: How to use a chain of implicit rules.
Pattern Rules: How to define new implicit rules.
Last Resort: How to define commands for rules which cannot find any.
Suffix Rules: The old-fashioned style of implicit rule.
Implicit Rule Search: The precise algorithm for applying implicit rules.
Defining and Redefining Pattern Rules

Pattern Intro: An introduction to pattern rules.
Pattern Examples: Examples of pattern rules.
Automatic Variables: How to use automatic variables in the commands of implicit rules.
Pattern Match: How patterns match.
Match-Anything Rules: Precautions you should take prior to defining rules that can match any target file whatever.
Canceling Rules: How to override or cancel built-in rules.
Using make to Update Archive Files

Archive Members: Archive members as targets.
Archive Update: The implicit rule for archive member targets.
Archive Pitfalls: Dangers to watch out for when using archives.
Archive Suffix Rules: You can write a special kind of suffix rule for updating archives.
Implicit Rule for Archive Member Targets

Archive Symbols: How to update archive symbol directories.

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