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Lessons learned in the project of victory football

jackyhwei 发布于 2010-09-18 23:49 点击:次 
During the development of the whole project, the features became more than expected and accordingly, the time was put off, that made everybody feeling tired about that.

Since the starting to the end of the project, we were all busy everyday and feeling the time was so limited.
During the development of the whole project, the features became more than expected and accordingly, the time was put off, that made everybody feeling tired about that.
I don’t want to recall the hardness during the process. Although, we encountered many difficulties, we achieved success and approved by our company. That’s what we actually glad to see.
Communication was very important, and the scout for the project process was more important. Project planning needed more rational and look-forwarded. It was a good thing to developer but a challenge to project manager.  
Human machine interface was very important. We made many interfaces and changed its colors and styles for many times. Even did us a great favor to make it better.
The quality of testers was related with the success of project. Fortunately, we had Alfenny and Secolan as our testers. Their efforts helped us achieve success timely and effectively and all of us were satisfied by the product. So without their efforts, we couldn’t complete our mission well.
My work was common and without a good order. I just collected others codes and applied to my project. So sometimes, I misunderstood some features. It was lucky for me to cooperate with Marcus and Alfeeny. They leaded me to the right direction.
At the very beginning, when I designed the database, because of my carelessness we had to modify it over and over again. I was very thankful to Marcus for helping me import the database again and again. Through that I got a point that we should be patient when we do a project.
The reuse and generality of code were very important to a project. So I tried my best to make my data to be reused and general. I knew that my code may be taken use into other projects such as football, basketball etc. I will go on doing that in future.
I hope I will have more challenges in my work to enhance and develop myself and make me work out better products in future.
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