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Linux Java Runtime Environment uninstallation instructions

罗索客 发布于 2007-08-31 15:12 点击:次 
This article applies to: Platform(s): Sun Java Desktop System, Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux Browser(s): Netscape 6.2x, Netscape 7, Mozilla 1.4+ JRE version(s): 1.5.0 The uninstallation process consists of: Java Plug-in Uninstallation Java Runtime Envir

This article applies to:
  • Platform(s):
    Sun Java Desktop System, Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux
  • Browser(s):
    Netscape 6.2x, Netscape 7, Mozilla 1.4+
  • JRE version(s):

The uninstallation process consists of:
  1. Java Plug-in Uninstallation
  2. Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Uninstallation

I. Java Plug-in Uninstallation: Mozilla browser

If you are going to reinstall JRE, you don't need to uninstall Java Plug-in. Just use the -f option for ln when creating a new symbolic link.
Example: ln -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so

If you want to completely remove Java from your Linux box, the procedure of removing the symbolic link is described below.
  1. Open Terminal Window,
  2. Log in as the super user
  3. Type: rm /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so
  4. You will be prompted: rm: remove symbolic link `/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so' ?
  5. Type: Y

II. JRE Uninstallation

There are two ways to uninstall the JRE. Please use the method that you used when you installed the JRE. For example, if you used RPM to install the JRE, then use the RPM uninstallation method.

  1. RPM uninstallation

    Note: If you have RPM on your Linux box, you should first find out if Java is already installed using RPM. If Java is not installed using RPM, you should skip reading.
    1. Open Terminal Window
    2. Login as the super user
    3. Try to find jre package by typing: rpm -qa
    4. If RPM reports a package similar to jre-<version>-fcs, then Java is installed with RPM.

      Note: Normally, you do not need to uninstall JRE with RPM, because RPM is able to uninstall the old JRE when installing a new version! You may skip reading, unless you want to remove JRE permanently.
    5. To uninstall the JRE, type: rpm -e jre-<version>-fcs

  1. Self-extracting file uninstallation
    1. Find out if Java is installed in some folder. Common locations are /usr/java/jre_<version> or /opt/jre_nb/jre_<version>/bin/java/
    2. When you have located the folder, you may delete folder.
      Warning: You should be certain that Java is not already installed using RPM before removing the folder.
    3. Type: rm -r name. For example: rm -r jre1.5.0
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