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  • 三招教你用VLC Player 通过RTSP over Http 播放 live555 mediase 日期:2015-09-01 20:03:41 点击:823 好评:0

    基本上这一句是真谛:In the most simple case, the client makes a HTTP GET request to the streaming server to open the server to client channel. Then the client makes a POST request to the server to open the client to server channel....

  • rtp/rtsp over http的学习(二) 日期:2015-09-01 20:00:27 点击:336 好评:0

    mediaserver的打印信息如下: rtRTSPClientSession[0x8f05890]::handleRequestBytes() read 224 new bytes:?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office / GET /slamtv60.264 HTTP/1.0 CSeq: 1 User-Agent: ./openRTSP (LIVE555 Streaming...

  • rtp/rtsp over http的学习(一) 日期:2015-09-01 19:57:49 点击:1388 好评:0

    要做rtp/rtsp over http, 我对http也有点了解, 以前也做过rtp/rtsp over tcp/udp传输264视频流, 但刚开始还是没有一点思路,想着把http和rtp等联系到一起, 网上这方面的资料太少, 最后实在找不到想要的资料, 于是用开源的live555工程模拟了一个数据的交互过程,...
