'' SMS
'' HeSicong
''*Late Modify Date:
'' 2005/5/28
'' This SMS namespace contains encoder for SMS and
'' Concatenated Short Message according''to 3GPP TS 23.040 V6.5.0.
'' These classes support set for the following items:
'' 1.Service Center Number
'' 2.Destination Number
'' 3.DataCodingScheme
'' 4.ValidityPeriod
'' 5.Message Reference
'' 6.Status Report
'' These items are basic for SMS. You can extend this class for
'' your own use.
''*How to use this namespace:
'' 1.Define a instance of SMS or Concatenated Short Message
'' e.g. Dim SMS as New SMS.Encoder.ConcatenatedShortMessage
'' 2.Then set the Service Center Number, Destination Number and so on.
'' e.g. SMS.TP_Destination_Address="123456789"
'' 3.Then use the GetSMSPDUCode for SMS or GetEMSPDUCode for Concatenated
'' Short Message
'' e.g. Dim PDU as String= SMS.GetSMSPDUCode()
'' Before 2005/5/28: This namespace is used in my Siemens Support Tool
'' 2005/5/28:Add some comments
'' 3GPP TS 23.040 V6.5.0