原作著:Matt Might 教授 翻譯:Jeff / 福哥 本篇獲原作者授權翻譯為中文,引用請著明原作者、原文出處及翻譯 註:原文/譯文並列,若各位有更好的翻譯意見,歡迎利用文章留言提供.感謝!
圖解-什麼是博士 / The illustrated guide to a Ph.D.每年秋天,我總要跟菜鳥博士生解釋 “什麼是博士?” 用言語實在是很難形容 所以,我用圖來說明 請看以下的 “圖解-什麼是博士” Every fall, I explain to a fresh batch of Ph.D. students what a Ph.D. is. It's hard to describe it in words. So, I use pictures. Read below for the illustrated guide to a Ph.D.
想像有一個圓,包含了人類所有的知識 Imagine a circle that contains all of human knowledge:
讀完小學後,您知道了一點點 By the time you finish elementary school, you know a little:
讀完中學時,您多懂了一點點 By the time you finish high school, you know a bit more:
伴隨著大學學位的完成,您擁有了主修專長 With a bachelor's degree, you gain a specialty:
碩士學位,更深化了您的專長領域 A master's degree deepens that specialty:
閱讀大量的研究論文,帶您來到現有知識的最前線 Reading research papers takes you to the edge of human knowledge
一旦您觸及現有知識的限制後,您開始專注在某個問題點上 Once you're at the boundary, you focus:
接下來的幾年,您不斷的嘗試突破限制 You push at the boundary for a few years:
直到有一天,限制突破了 Until one day, the boundary gives way:
這個突破就是所謂的博士學位 And, that dent you've made is called a Ph.D.:
當然,您現在看到的世界已經大不相同 Of course, the world looks different to you now:
但請不要忘記知識的全貌 So, don't forget the bigger picture:
繼續加油吧 Keep pushing.
原作著:Matt Might 教授 譯者:王永福 (福哥) |