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Symbian.org 将于12月17日正式关闭

jackyhwei 发布于 2010-12-01 09:16 点击:次 
在 Symbian Foundation 宣布, Symbian 将会由开放变为自闭平台并由全球最大手机制造商 Nokia 主理後, Symbian 的官方网站 symbian.org 将会在 12 月 17 日正式关闭。

在 Symbian Foundation 宣布, Symbian 将会由开放变为自闭平台并由全球最大手机制造商 Nokia 主理後, Symbian 的官方网站 symbian.org 将会在 12 月 17 日正式关闭。


* www.symbian.org, www.symbian.org/cn, www.symbian.org/jp
* developer.symbian.org, developer.symbian.org/cn, developer.symbian.org/jp
* horizon.symbian.org
* ideas.symbian.org
* blog.symbian.org, blogcn.symbian.org, blogjp.symbian.org

Recently, we announced that the Symbian Foundation will be transitioning to a licensing body. In practise this will mean a reduction in the day-to-day operations of the Foundation by the end of the year.

As a result, we expect our websites will be shutting down on 17th December. We are working hard to make sure that most of the content accessible through web services (such as the source code, kits, wiki, bug database, reference documentation & Symbian Ideas) is available in some form, most likely on a DVD or USB hard drive upon request to the Symbian Foundation. Preparing this content will take some time, hence it will not be distributable before 31st January 2011. A charge may be levied for media and shipping.

While we don’t have all of the information just yet, we’ve prepared the Q&A below to help answer any questions you may have and we’ll keep this page updated with the latest information as it becomes available.

Which websites will be affected?

All of the websites hosted by the Symbian Foundation will be affected:

  • www.symbian.org, www.symbian.org/cn, www.symbian.org/jp
  • developer.symbian.org, developer.symbian.org/cn, developer.symbian.org/jp, kernel.symbian.org
  • horizon.symbian.org
  • ideas.symbian.org
  • blog.symbian.org, blogcn.symbian.org, blogjp.symbian.org

The @Symbian Twitter feed and the Symbian.org fan page on Facebook are also likely to be discontinued.

Symbian Signed will continue to operate, as will Symbian communities hosted outside the Symbian Foundation.

Where can I get the Symbian platform source code after the sites are shut down?

Source repositories will cease to be available when we shut down the developer.symbian.org site (and its Japanese and Chinese equivalents), probably just after 17th December 2010.

We will not be hosting the source or the kits (for download from a hosting web service). However the following will be available upon request on a DVD or USB stick, which will contain the associated source for the distributed binaries (as requested by the EPL):

  • Symbian^2 – PDK 2.0.3, only to accredited SF members
  • Symbian^3 – PDK 3.0.4, or any subsequent release made before 17 December 2010
  • Symbian^4 – PDK 4.0.a

As the platform is available online now, we encourage you to download it before 17 December 2010.

What does this mean for content databases like the forums, wiki and bug reports?

Some of the user-submitted content databases will be available on request, by email to contact@symbian.org, from 31st January 2011.

Some important things to note:

  • These databases will be in their original formats, so you’ll need the open source software (Bugzilla, MediaWiki, etc.) to use them.
  • Private information will be removed where possible (e.g., e-mail addresses in user profiles, but not e-mail addresses in bug reports or wiki pages).
  • Content may only be used under the terms of the licenses under which it is provided.
  • Export control regulations may apply to some content.
  • We reserve the right to refuse requests for any reason.

What about the platform documentation?

We are working with Nokia to see how best to make official documentation available. Further detail will be communicated at a later date.

Where can I get platform and app development support?

Forum Nokia is the best place to find developer support. You can find tools, documentation, technical support and discussion boards at Forum Nokia

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